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Rana Irfan

Rana Irfan is a skilled SEO content writer, whose journey of freelance content writing and SEO expertise started in 2020. With an academic background in journalism and psychology, he brings a unique perspective to the table, writing content that resonates on a personal and intellectual level. His areas of expertise include business, digital marketing, finance, employment, and personal development. When not working, you can find him traveling to remote mountain areas, writing poetry, and enjoying a hot cup of coffee in serene environments.

80 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Startup Founders

ChatGPT prompt

The dreaded writer’s block is a phenomenon we are all familiar with. Staring at a blank page while positively begging the words to form, with a frontal cortex that refuses to play along and an imagination that abandons you. And it isn’t a recent problem, either. Go back far enough and you will find neanderthals staring at …

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15 Best Elevator Pitch Examples For Startup Founders Who Need Funding

15 Best Elevator Pitch Examples For Startup Founders Who Need Funding

Have you ever fantasized being in an elevator with an influential investor, pitching your startup idea so brilliantly that they instantly offer you a fat check? Well, Let’s face it, that exact situation is not very likely to occur. But it could. Every startup founder imagines that perfect moment when they can present their business …

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7 Best Business Credit Cards for Startups in 2024

7 Best Business Credit Cards for Startups in 2023

Most startup founders would agree that a reliable source of financing is crucial to success. A business credit card allows you to purchase the products and services you need to get your business up and running and pay for any unexpected expenses. However, with so many business credit cards on the market, it can be hard to …

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5 Best Banks for Startups [Post SVB Collapse]

5 Best Banks for Startups [Post SVB Collapse]

Starting a business is an exciting but often quite daunting undertaking. Having the right bank, among so many other things, is an essential part of the business. Whether you’re a one-person show or a small business owner with staff, it is vital to maintain a clear distinction between your business and personal finances. The best …

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How to Leverage an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy

How to Leverage an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy

The popularity of influencer marketing has skyrocketed in tandem with the incredible popularity of social media. More and more consumers are turning to their favorite Instagram influencers, Twitter personalities, and YouTubers for recommendations before making online purchases. Around 4.59 billion of the population uses social media, with studies predicting that by 2027, this figure will reach 5.85 billion. Without a …

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How To Build The Best Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Startup

How To Build The Best Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Startup

Your company won’t sell itself, no matter how much you want it to. A successful digital marketing strategy is essential for a startup to grow and reach its sales targets. For many entrepreneurs, especially those who don’t spend most of their time online, diving into the world of digital marketing might feel like venturing into …

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How to Use a Sales Funnel to Boost Your Startup Revenue

How to Use a Sales Funnel to Boost Your Startup Revenue

As a startup founder, you need to capitalize on every weapon at your disposal to optimize revenue. One of the essential weapons in your startup armory is the sales funnel, and if you don’t have one, you probably should. This blog post will explore sales funnels and how to deploy them effectively. The goal here …

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Copywriting Vs Content Writing: What Is The Difference [2 Examples]

Copywriting Vs Content Writing: What Is The Difference [2 Examples]

When you’re starting a business, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is what type of content you will create – from blog posts and articles to social media updates and website copy. This type of content will be produced using two quite different styles: either content writing or copywriting. But what’s the difference …

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The Evolution of Social Media: A Comprehensive Review of 100+ Years

The Evolution of Social Media: A Comprehensive Review of 100+ Years

As Aristotle argued, humans are essentially social creatures who need to interact with others to satisfy their needs. The interaction may take various forms, and as technology advances, so do the ways of being social. Social media’s evolution has only been made possible by the advances in information technology, the human intellect, and our hunger for interpersonal …

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D&O Insurance: How to Mitigate Your Startup Legal Claims

D&O Insurance: How to Mitigate Your Startup Legal Claims

As your startup grows, so do your risks. It is no secret that your startup requires capable executives and board members to succeed. The problem arises, however, when these executives make choices that may put them in danger of personal liability risk. When such happens, Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Claims can suddenly start appearing. …

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