Go High Level: Why it’s the best CRM for startups

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At the heart of a dynamic startup, managing customer relationships can often feel like navigating a complex maze. According to BIGContacts Blog, 46% of sales teams report extensive use of CRM systems. This is where Go High Level, a CRM akin to a Swiss Army knife for startups, steps in. More than just a tool, it’s a digital ally, designed to sync with the unique beat of your startup, streamlining operations and enhancing customer connections. 

Imagine shifting from the chaos of scattered spreadsheets and emails to a well-arranged system of sorted leads and strategic communication. This isn’t just a change; it’s a revolution in managing customer relationships. As we explore Go High Level further, we’ll see how it’s quickly becoming the go-to CRM for startups eager to transform their customer management into a seamless process.

What is Go High Level?

Go High Level, often referred to as HighLevel, is a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform designed to streamline the marketing, sales, and customer service processes of businesses, particularly startups and small enterprises. High level emerges as a cutting-edge marketing platform, aiming to combine the essential marketing tools in one comprehensive package. It stands as an invaluable asset for marketers.

In a nutshell, if you’re seeking a brief takeaway from this Go High Level review: definitely try it out. You’re likely to find it worthwhile. GoHighlevel positions itself as the standout tool of this era, surpassing former frontrunners like Clickfunnels for landing pages and Hubspot in the CRM space.

It’s a multifaceted tool that combines various functionalities like email marketing, SMS messaging, sales funnels, and appointment scheduling into one cohesive platform. The genesis of Go High Level is rooted in the desire to create a CRM that not only manages customer interactions but also actively assists in growing a business’s customer base and enhancing customer experience.

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Source: GoHighLevel

Core Philosophy and Target Audience

The core philosophy of Go High Level is centered around simplicity, efficiency, and growth. It aims to simplify complex processes, efficiently use data, and ultimately drive growth for its users. The target audience for Go High Level is quite broad yet specific; it’s ideal for startups, small to medium-sized businesses, and digital marketing agencies looking for an all-in-one solution to manage and grow their customer base.

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Source: GoHighLevel

Features of Go High Level and Their Use for Startups

Go High Level offers a range of features that make it an appealing choice for startups and small businesses, focusing on ease of use and comprehensive functionality:

  • Marketing Automation: Go High Level excels in marketing automation, offering tools for email and social media automation, and landing page tracking. This allows startups to create customized campaigns that resonate with their audience, enhancing conversion potential.

Source: Gohighlevel

  • GoHighLevel Membership Site Creation: GoHighLevel’s Membership Platform offers an innovative solution for businesses, agencies, or clients looking to build a vibrant community. This intuitive platform supports the development of comprehensive courses, equipped with unlimited video hosting and user capacity. It caters to a diverse range of educational needs, allowing you to offer both free and paid content without any restrictions on usage. The course-building dashboard at GoHighLevel is designed for extensive control and flexibility, enabling creators to tailor their courses to specific learning objectives and audience preferences.
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Source: Gohighlevel

  • Enhancing Course Content and Gaining Insights: In addition to its robust course creation capabilities, GoHighLevel allows for the integration of various media types to enrich the learning experience. You can add images, videos, audio files, and interactive quizzes, providing endless possibilities for course customization. Furthermore, the platform includes tools for monitoring user activity, a crucial feature for gaining valuable insights. This data can be instrumental in refining your promotional strategies and subscription models, ensuring they resonate with your audience and effectively meet their learning needs.
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  • Funnel Building & Landing Pages: Go High Level excels in funnel building. This feature allows businesses to create sales funnels that guide potential customers through the buying process. The ease of building and customizing these funnels makes the platform particularly beneficial for businesses aiming to enhance their sales strategies and convert leads into customers efficiently.
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Source: Gohighlevel

Go High Level simplifies website creation, eliminating the need for traditional website builders or CMS like WordPress or Wix. It offers customizable templates and easy integration with existing domains, streamlining the web development process. The platform includes built-in features for forms, surveys, and calendar applications for appointment scheduling, all within its drag-and-drop page builder. With GoHighLevel, businesses can effortlessly meet all their web development needs in one place.

  • CRM and Pipeline Management: Go High Level integrates CRM and pipeline management, offering a unified view of customer interactions. This integration is crucial for startups that need to track customer journeys and manage relationships efficiently.
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Source: Gohighlevel

  • Booking and Online Appointment Tool: The platform simplifies scheduling with its online appointment tool, allowing businesses to easily create and manage calendars. This feature is essential for service-based startups and businesses that rely on appointments and bookings.
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Source: Gohighlevel

  • SMS Marketing and Reputation Management: Go High Level’s SMS marketing capabilities enable direct communication with clients, an essential feature for engaging customers. Additionally, its reputation management tools help businesses monitor and respond to customer feedback, maintaining a positive public image.
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  • Email Marketing: GoHighLevel elevates email marketing with its advanced features. From a unified dashboard, users can create personalized emails and autoresponders, complete with custom triggers and A/B testing options. It enables campaign success tracking, offering visual insights into customer interactions like email opens, clicks, and website visits. Additionally, GoHighLevel’s sophisticated automation capabilities facilitate complex drip campaigns, streamlining email marketing without requiring manual sending.
  • Reporting & Analytics: The platform offers in-depth reporting and analytics, covering various campaigns and website traffic. This feature is invaluable for startups and small businesses that rely on data-driven insights to refine their marketing strategies and understand customer behavior.
  • Content Management: Go High Level provides a user-friendly content management system, allowing easy creation, editing, and scheduling of online content. This is particularly useful for businesses focusing on content marketing and online presence.
  • Dashboard & User Interface: GoHighLevel’s dashboard is designed for easy use, offering a straightforward and intuitive interface. All essential features are readily accessible from the left-side menu, including Conversations, Calendars, Contacts, Opportunities, Payments, Marketing, Automatic, Sites, Memberships, Regulation, Reporting and App Marketplace. Upon entering the dashboard, users are greeted with a to-do list, helping them stay on top of lead follow-ups. Additionally, GoHighLevel allows for creating customized dashboards for agency clients, complete with business branding and tailored tools and services.
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Complete features list: 

8W2ex r5SHKjz 5uEPpDDhb54g4vaytwjdmxUFsfuXrMP8m8keolGO qUiefAP90zTgx0 PzL AO4waBovmje2v9H3IwGeoNFRv43sKjr1ZH 0ZV

Source: GoHighLevel

How does Go High Level Work? 

Signing up for a GoHighLevel free trial is easy and can be done in a few simple steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the GoHighLevel Website

Navigate to the official GoHighLevel website by searching for “GoHighLevel” in a search engine. Consider using our affiliate link for a 14-day free trial and a month of free expert assistance.

  • Step 2: Find the Free Trial Option

On the homepage, look for a button or link labeled “14 Days Free Trial” or “Get Started.”

  • Step 3: Initiate the Sign-Up Process

Click on the “14 Days Free Trial” or “Get Started” button to be redirected to the registration page.

  • Step 4: Enter Your Details

Fill out the registration form with your name, email address, phone number, and company name. Follow any additional instructions on the page.

  • Step 5: Select a Plan (If Required)

If prompted, choose a plan that fits your needs for the trial. If there’s only one option, no selection is necessary.

  • Step 6: Verify Your Email

Check your email for a confirmation message from GoHighLevel. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your address and activate your trial.

  • Step 7: Start Using GoHighLevel

Once your email is confirmed, log in to your GoHighLevel trial account and explore its features.

Remember, if you need any help or have questions about GoHighLevel, their support team is available 24/7 to assist you.

Pricing Plans for Go High Level

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Source: GoHighLevel

GoHighLevel offers three distinct pricing plans to cater to different business needs and sizes:

  1. Agency Starter Plan – $97/month
  • Target Audience: Ideal for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs starting with GoHighLevel.
  • Features: Includes CRM, form and survey builders, funnel and website builders, a drag-and-drop email builder, automation/workflow builder, 2-way SMS capabilities, and a consolidated messaging stream (email, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, WhatsApp, Google Business Chat).
  • Suitability: Perfect for those needing fundamental features to kickstart their digital marketing efforts.
  1. Agency Unlimited Plan – $297/month
  • Target Audience: Suitable for businesses of all sizes requiring more features and functionality.
  • Features: Offers everything in the Agency Starter plan, plus unlimited sub-accounts and advanced automation.
  • Advantages: Provides expanded capabilities for growing businesses with more complex needs.
  1. Agency Pro Plan – $497/month
  • Target Audience: Designed for businesses seeking the most comprehensive suite of tools.
  • Features: Includes all features of the Agency Unlimited plan, with added benefits like white-labeling and mobile app development.
  • Comprehensiveness: The most extensive plan, ideal for businesses looking for advanced solutions and customization.

Can Go High Level Integrate with Other Tools?

GoHighLevel offers a comprehensive integration system, allowing users to leverage its full range of features on a single platform. This integration capability enables the combination of various functionalities to achieve optimal results. Moreover, GoHighLevel’s integration extends to other marketing tools and applications. Users who wish to continue utilizing their preferred apps can easily integrate them with GoHighLevel. This is facilitated by connecting Webhooks to Zapier, enabling seamless data transfer across multiple applications. Key integrations include popular platforms like WordPress, Mailchimp, Calendly, ClickFunnels, WIX, SurveyGizmo, Jotform, Leadpages, and Pipedrive.

Additionally, GoHighLevel provides extensive training and support to help users maximize the benefits of these integrations. This support is available through the company’s dedicated team or via the online community they have established. In these resources, users can learn how to effectively use integrations to grow their business and attract new clients, making the most of the GoHighLevel platform’s capabilities.

Examples of Tools That Can Be Integrated

  • Email Marketing Platforms: Go High Level can integrate with popular email marketing tools, enabling users to sync their email campaigns and contact lists.
  • Social Media Management Tools: Integrations with social media platforms allow for streamlined social media marketing efforts directly from Go High Level.
  • Payment Processors: Businesses can integrate payment processing tools like Stripe or PayPal for smooth transaction processes within their sales funnels.
  • Calendar Applications: Integration with calendar apps like Google Calendar ensures efficient scheduling and appointment setting.
  • Analytics Tools: Connecting with analytics platforms like Google Analytics allows for deeper insights into marketing campaign performance.
  • Customer Support Software: Integration with customer support tools can help manage customer queries and tickets from within Go High Level.

Advantages of Using Go High Level

  • Automation Capabilities: The platform offers advanced automation features, such as automated email and SMS campaigns, which save time and ensure consistent, effective customer communication.
  • Customizable Sales Funnels: Users can create tailored sales funnels to suit their specific business needs, effectively guiding potential customers through the buying process.
  • Advanced CRM Features: Go High Level’s robust CRM system provides detailed tracking of customer interactions, aiding in personalizing customer experiences and improving relationship management.
  • Analytics and Reporting: The platform delivers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, offering businesses valuable insights into their marketing and sales performance.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with intuitiveness in mind, Go High Level is accessible even to those with limited technical expertise, making it a user-friendly option for various businesses.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By integrating multiple tools into a single solution, Go High Level presents a cost-effective option for businesses looking to manage their marketing and CRM efficiently.
  • Mobile Accessibility and Integration: Recognizing the importance of mobile in the digital era, Go High Level offers a seamless mobile experience with full website integration. The app is compatible with both Android and iOS, providing a top-notch user experience as evidenced by its high user ratings and reviews.
  • Community Engagement and Networking: The platform fosters a vibrant community, particularly on Facebook, where industry professionals and startup agencies can connect, share insights, and stay abreast of digital marketing trends. The Ideas board in this community plays a crucial role in driving community-led development and innovation.

Comparing GoHighLevel with Hubspot & Salesforce: 

Pricing plans:

PricingGo High Level offers straightforward pricing plans starting at $97 per month for the Agency Starter plan, $297 per month for the Agency Unlimited plan, and $497 per month for the Agency Pro plan.Salesforce offers tailored pricing with plans starting at $25/user/month for the Essentials plan, $75/user/month for the Professional plan, and $150/user/month for the Enterprise plan.HubSpot’s pricing starts at $45 per month for the Starter plan and goes up to $3,200 per month for the Enterprise plan.
Billing ModelGo High Level does not bind users to annual contracts. Users can cancel their subscriptions anytime, making it an attractive option for startups that prefer not to commit to long-term contracts.Salesforce’s pricing is based on an annual billing model, requiring users to commit to an annual plan.HubSpot also primarily focuses on annual billing for its plans, with the option to pay monthly or upfront but with an annual commitment.
SourceGo High Level PricingSalesforce PricingHubSpot Pricing

Comparison Summary

  • Go High Level is a more flexible and cost-effective option for startups, offering monthly plans with no long-term commitments. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for startups that need to adapt quickly and may not have the resources for a significant upfront investment.
  • Salesforce and HubSpot, on the other hand, require annual commitments, which might be challenging for startups that are looking for more adaptable and less binding financial commitments. Their pricing models, while offering comprehensive features, might be more suited for established businesses or those with more predictable long-term plans.

Trustpilot Rating: 


Feature Comparison: 

Email MarketingAvailableAvailable (through integrations)Available 
Landing PagesAvailableAvailable (through integrations)Available
Social Media ManagementAvailableAvailable (through integrations)Available
Marketing AutomationAvailableAvailable (Salesforce Pardot)Available
Sales AutomationAvailableAvailableAvailable
Reporting & AnalyticsAvailableAvailable (Advanced features)Available
Website BuilderAvailableLimited (through integrations)Available
BloggingAvailableNot directly available (requires integrations)Available
SEOAvailableLimited (through integrations)Available 
E-commerceLimitedAvailable (through Salesforce Commerce Cloud)Limited
Funnel BuilderAvailableLimitedLimited
Unlimited ContactsAvailableDepends on the planDepends on the plan
Automated CalendarsAvailableAvailable (through integrations)Available 
SMS MarketingAvailableLimited (through integrations)Limited (through integrations)
Membership WebsiteAvailableNot Directly AvailableLimited (through integrations)
Call TrackingAvailableAvailable (through integrations)Limited (through integrations)
Pipeline ManagementAvailableAvailableAvailable
Survey BuilderAvailableLimited (through integrations)Available
Call RecordingAvailableLimited (through integrations)Limited (through integrations)
SaaS BuilderAvailableNot Directly AvailableNot Directly Available
Client Fulfillment SoftwareAvailableLimited (through integrations)Limited (through integrations)

Learning Curve and Ease of Use:

Learning CurveGenerally considered to have a lower learning curve. Go High Level is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible for users who may not have extensive technical expertise or resources to invest in learning complex software.Salesforce is known for having a steeper learning curve. It is a robust, enterprise-level CRM solution with a wide range of features and customization options, which can be overwhelming for new users or small businesses.HubSpot has a moderate learning curve. It offers a comprehensive range of inbound marketing tools and CRM capabilities, which can take some time to master fully.
Ease of UseThe platform is known for its user-friendly interface. It offers intuitive navigation and straightforward tools for marketing automation, CRM, and sales processes, which are ideal for small to medium-sized businesses and digital marketing agencies.While Salesforce is a powerful tool, its complexity and the need for customization can make it less accessible for users without a technical background or dedicated training.HubSpot is designed to be user-friendly, but its broad feature set can be somewhat overwhelming for new users or small businesses that may not need all the available tools.
FocusIts all-in-one nature and straightforward approach make it especially suitable for startups that need efficient and easy-to-use tools to manage their marketing and sales efforts without a steep learning curve.Salesforce is more suited for larger enterprises or businesses with specific CRM needs that require extensive customization and integration.Salesforce is known for having a steeper learning curve. It is a robust, enterprise-level CRM solution with a wide range of features and customization options, which can overwhelm new users or small businesses.

Which one is the best for startups?

When comparing Go High Level, Salesforce, and HubSpot, several key differences emerge that highlight why Go High Level may be particularly well-suited for startups:

Go High Level

  • All-in-One Platform: Go High Level is designed as an all-in-one marketing and CRM solution, combining various tools into one platform. This integration is ideal for startups that need to streamline their operations without managing multiple software solutions.
  • Pricing Flexibility: With its monthly pricing plans and no long-term contracts, Go High Level offers significant flexibility, which is crucial for startups that require agility and may not have the resources for large upfront investments.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible for startups with limited technical expertise or resources to invest in extensive training.
  • Targeted Marketing Tools: Go High Level focuses on features that directly support marketing and sales efforts, such as lead capture, funnel creation, and automation, which are essential for startups looking to grow their customer base quickly.


  • Enterprise-Level CRM: Salesforce is a robust, enterprise-level CRM solution with many features. While powerful, it can be complex and may require more resources to manage effectively, which might be challenging for startups.
  • Customization and Scalability: Salesforce offers extensive customization and integration options, but these features often require technical expertise and can be overwhelming for smaller businesses or startups.
  • Pricing and Commitment: Salesforce’s pricing structure, typically based on annual contracts, might appeal less to startups that prefer more flexible payment options.


  • Inbound Marketing Focus: HubSpot is renowned for its comprehensive inbound marketing tools and CRM capabilities. While it offers a broad range of features, it is particularly focused on content-driven marketing strategies.
  • User-Friendly, but Broad Feature Set: HubSpot is user-friendly, but its extensive range of features can be more than what some startups need, potentially leading to paying for unused functionalities.
  • Pricing Structure: Like Salesforce, HubSpot’s pricing can be higher, especially as you move up to more advanced features. The platform also typically requires an annual commitment.

Comparison Summary

For startups, Go High Level stands out due to its combination of an all-in-one platform, pricing flexibility, ease of use, and focus on essential marketing and sales tools. These factors make it a potentially more suitable choice for startups compared to Salesforce and HubSpot, which, while powerful and comprehensive, may offer more than what a startup needs at a higher cost and with a greater commitment. Go High Level’s approach aligns well with the typical needs and constraints of startups, offering a practical, efficient, and cost-effective solution.

The Verdict

GoHighLevel is a top choice for startups and small to medium-sized businesses, offering a versatile, all-in-one platform that combines marketing, sales, and CRM tools. Its user-friendly design and affordability make it particularly appealing, providing a streamlined alternative to more complex and costly platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce. Ideal for businesses aiming to maximize efficiency with limited resources, GoHighLevel is adaptable and scalable, fitting the evolving needs of growing startups. By leveraging its comprehensive suite of tools, startups can enhance their operations effectively, paving the way for sustained growth and success.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are created by a team of experts who have real-world experience with the products and services we write about. We take great care in our editorial process to ensure that our reviews are fair, thorough, and helpful.

Please note that some of the links in the article may be affiliate links, which means we may receive compensation if you decide to purchase a paid plan or sign up for the service. These products and/or services are ones we have personally used and stand behind.

Please be aware that this website is not intended to provide financial advice. You can find our affiliate disclosure in our Terms of Use.

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About the author: Aqsa Sheraz

Aqsa Sheraz, an accomplished writer, possesses a diverse set of skills that bring a captivating edge to her work. With a Bachelor's degree in psychology, she seamlessly integrates her understanding of human behavior with expertise in HR, Digital Marketing, SEO, and SMM. By leveraging this unique combination of talents, Aqsa expertly crafts content that not only yields tangible results but also captivates and resonates with the target audience. Her strategic optimization techniques strategically enhance brand impact, ensuring her content is both impactful and engaging.

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