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Oran Yehiel

Oran Yehiel is the founder of Startup Geek, with an MBA specializing in financial management and a background in Deloitte. As a Certified Public Accountant and Digital Marketing Professional, he writes about venture capital, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more, bringing a wealth of experience to businesses seeking growth and success.

Call to Action: Boost Conversions with Effective CTAs

Call to action

In today’s fast-paced digital marketplace, the difference between thriving and surviving often boils down to how effectively a startup can convert interest into action. For entrepreneurs, marketers, and startup founders, mastering the art of the Call to Action (CTA) is not just beneficial; it’s essential. This article will guide you through creating irresistible CTAs that …

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A Compass for Growth: 50 Inspiring Startup Mission Statements

mission statment

Exploring the mission statements of innovative startups unveils the essence of their identity, blending core values, purpose, and vision into guiding lights for entrepreneurial journeys. More than a list of goals, these statements provide a roadmap, outlining steps and anticipated results that resonate with the spirit of innovation and diversity. Delving into startups valued between …

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How to Write a Professional Resignation Letter [Examples Inside]

Resignation Letter

In the professional world, resigning from a job is a path most of us will walk at least once. And while it might feel like stepping into unknown territory, especially if it’s your first time, the road map is clear. The signposts? A well-crafted resignation letter. Just like any good story, the key to a …

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How to Answer the Greatest Weakness Interview Question with Confidence

greatest weakness interview question

Ever been in an interview where you felt like you were smoothly sailing through, only to be hit with the “What’s your greatest weakness?” iceberg? You’re not alone. This question has tripped up many confident candidates, turning their assured strides into hesitant shuffles. But why does this question carry so much weight, and more importantly, …

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90 Inspiring and Timeless Famous Quotes for Every Occasion

Famous Quotes

In a world that never stops talking, finding words that resonate with the heart and mind can be like discovering a hidden treasure. “Famous quotes” are these treasures—timeless nuggets of wisdom, humor, and inspiration that have the power to transform our perspective in just a few words. Whether you’re searching for a spark of motivation, …

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Capex Explained: Understanding Capital Expenditure in Business


When it comes to running a business, understanding the flow of money is like knowing the secret recipe to your grandmother’s famous cookies—essential, but sometimes a bit complex. One key ingredient? Capital Expenditure, or CapEx for short. This concept might sound as thrilling as watching paint dry, but mastering it can significantly impact your business’s …

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The Power of User Generated Content (UGC): A Complete Guide


In the vast ocean of digital content, User-Generated Content (UGC) stands out as the treasure coveted by brands and marketers alike. Why? Because it’s authentic, engaging, and, most importantly, created by the very people businesses strive to connect with: their customers. Imagine harnessing the power of genuine customer experiences to propel your brand into the …

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Voice Search Registration: Optimizing Your Website for Voice Searches

Voice Search Registration

“Hey Siri, find me the nearest coffee shop.” This simple command is a glimpse into the future of search engine optimization, where Voice Search Registration becomes pivotal. In this digital era, where convenience is king, optimizing your website for voice searches isn’t just smart; it’s essential. This article peels back the layers of voice search …

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Most Active Investors 2024

Most active Investors 2024

As we kick off 2024, the startup ecosystem continues to buzz with activity. January has seen a flurry of investments across various stages, with some standout “biggest checks” and dynamic activity from the most active investors. Here’s a comprehensive look at what January 2024 brought to the startup world. (2023 Most Active Investor Summary) Pre-Seed …

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Understanding Churn Rate: What It Is and How to Reduce It

Churn rate

Have you ever wondered why customers decide to say goodbye to a service or product they once loved? That’s churn rate for you – a sneaky little metric with a big impact on your business’s health. Understanding churn rate is not just about numbers; it’s a gateway to customer loyalty and improved revenue. So, let’s …

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