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Oran Yehiel

Oran Yehiel is the founder of Startup Geek, with an MBA specializing in financial management and a background in Deloitte. As a Certified Public Accountant and Digital Marketing Professional, he writes about venture capital, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more, bringing a wealth of experience to businesses seeking growth and success.

Start Strong, Stay Stronger: The Art of Financial Planning for Startups

Financial Planning for Startups

A 2020 survey by Wilbur Labs revealed a stark truth: the leading cause of startup failure is financial depletion. Financial planning is more than just crunching numbers; it’s the strategic compass guiding startups. It directs resources, mitigates risks, and transforms visions into realities.  Moreover, a solid financial blueprint enhances credibility, attracting discerning investors.  For every …

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The Ultimate Guide to FP&A: Financial Planning and Analysis Explained


In the fiercely competitive startup world, understanding your financial health is non-negotiable. But while maintaining your balance sheet is crucial, a deeper level of financial wisdom propels your company from mere survival to ultimate success. We present the ultimate guide to Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) – an essential yet less understood discipline that can …

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Best ESO Plan Practices for Startups in 2024


An Employee Stock Option Plan (ESO) is a powerful tool that startups use to attract and retain top talent. In simple terms, it’s a promise from the company that allows employees to buy a certain number of shares at a fixed price. This can be a win-win situation – employees get a piece of the …

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How to Prepare for Due Diligence: A Step by Step Guide for Startups

due diligance

When angel investors, venture capital, or strategic partners consider investing, it usually involves several steps. They’ll meet with you, and you’ll likely have to present your business proposal. There will be a series of questions and discussions. If everything looks promising, the next stage is due diligence for your startup. Now, here’s the thing – …

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Unit Economics 101: 7 Strategies for Improving Unit Economics

unit economics

Understanding the financial foundation of your startup is crucial for long-term success. This read provides a comprehensive guide to the fundamental metrics that determine the profitability and sustainability of your business model.  Designed specifically for startup founders, this guide simplifies complex concepts, ensuring that even those new to finance can gain a clear insight into …

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All You Need To Know About Federal Income Tax

Federal Income Tax

Before diving into the startup world, federal income tax might have seemed like a distant concern. Now, as a founder, it’s front and center. Transition smoothly with this guide, bridging the gap between uncertainty and clarity. We break down the essentials, ensuring you’re well-prepared to handle your startup’s tax obligations with confidence. Brief Overview of …

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4 Proven Strategies To Boost Bookings, Billings & Revenues (+ Important KPIs)


Bookings, billings, and revenue are often used interchangeably in the dynamic business landscape.  However, understanding their differences is vital for assessing a company’s: As a startup, Saas, or entrepreneur, you must know them and figure out where to apply them to make the most of your company. This comprehensive guide delves into the definitions, significance, …

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7 Steps to Optimize Your Sales Process and Boost Your Profits

Sales Process

Starting a business is exciting, but without a solid sales process, growth can stall. This struggle leaves many startup founders feeling frustrated and stuck, unsure of how to turn potential customers into profits.  An effective sales process enhances success rates, converts prospects into deals, and ensures that every sales team member provides consistent, positive experiences …

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Investor Report: Financial Analysis and Portfolio Performance

Investor Report

If you’re a startup founder navigating the challenging waters of investors and financial analysis, this blog post is a lighthouse amid your storm. We’ll break down the complexities of an investor report, dig deep into financial analysis, and explore how these elements impact portfolio performance. Don’t wander aimlessly in the investment landscape – empower yourself …

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The Ultimate Guide to Cap Table for Startups: Managing Equity Ownership

Cap Table

Navigating the complex terrain of cap tables can be a daunting task for new startups. Directly linked to your company’s financial health and your relationship with investors, understanding cap tables is no longer an option—it’s a necessity. In a world where 90% of startups fail, you surely want to be in that privileged 10%, don’t …

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How to Fund A Startup: 9 Effective Ways To Get Outside Money

How to Fund A Startup: 9 Effective Ways To Get Outside Money

In the late 1990s, a young entrepreneur named Marc Benioff came up with a groundbreaking idea that would redefine the way businesses engage with customers. His vision? To offer customer relationship management (CRM) software over the internet, was a novelty at the time. But transforming his vision into reality required more than just an innovative …

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